Presentation Special Issue: Living in the Mountains. Reframing Imaginaries, Im/mobilities and Sense of Belonging
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vivir en las montañasResum
Mountain regions are undergoing rapid changes, closely intertwined with economic globalisation and neoliberal practices, which modify their production models, land use, population, and lifestyles in unexpected ways. This Special Issue aims to reflect upon ways of living in mountain areas today, taking an innovative stance and a reflexive approach. This Issue examines mountain life from the perspective of the production of locality, being a matter of relationships and context (re)produced by, and within, social interactions (Appadurai, 1996). This approach invites us to take an alternative vantage point to the classical area of mountain anthropology, exploring the making of locality in a global world, while strengthening the debates between issues of im/mobility, migration, and mountain studies.
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