
Call for contributions for Special Issue: Global mobilities in the post-Covid era. Quaderns Journal ICA

Abstract submission date: November 30th, 2023.

Coordinators: Rosa Lázaro Castellanos, Karina Pizarro Hernández, María Angélica Galicia Gordillo.


During the year 2020, governments around the world declared a state of alarm due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. These statements meant changes in people’s lives, for example, health became the first concern, part of the productive activities were paralyzed and people’s mobility was also stopped. At a global level, the pandemic did not have the same impact, as social conditions and inequalities of gender, class, and origin establish differences in the way people have lived it.

The consequences of the pandemic are invariably interrelated with international mobilities. Before the pandemic, mobility already presented various nuances and directions due to demographic, climatic and technological changes, war conflicts, anti-immigrant policies and the closure of borders.

The proposal of this monograph is to offer an overview that allows us to know and analyze what has happened to mobilities and migrations in the post-pandemic world; what new inequalities of class, gender, origin, sexuality, and challenges it has brought us; what impact has the pandemic had on people of immigrant origin; what practices have been developed by people who were trapped in countries outside their place of origin and what has happened to people who have been returned or expelled to their community of origin.

Original, empirical, comparative or theoretical works will be welcome, with a critical approach, that analyze the economic, political, social, and cultural consequences of mobilities in the post-pandemic world, or that includes the following thematic axes:

  • Mobilizations and feminisms
  • Mobilizations and LGTBIQ+
  • Mobilizations and masculinities
  • Mobilizations, immigration policies, and necropolitics
  • Mobilizations, care, and the labor market

Call calendar:

– November 30th, 2023: deadline for submitting abstracts (250 words), five keywords and data authors (email and affiliation).

– December 12th-14th, 2023: communication to people authors of the selection result.

– The authors of the selected proposals will receive detailed instructions for sending the complete texts within the agreed deadline.

– The final texts will go through a double-anonymous peer review process, that will lead to the final decision on the acceptance for publication.

– Proposals can be sent to until November 30th, 2023.