La societat civil de la diàspora rwandesa en les mobilitzacions transnacionals
Rwandan diaspora, Belgium, transnational mobilization, civilian society, ethnic cleavageAbstract
Rwandans living abroad especially in Belgium, interact and participate in associations according to their ethnic group. This division is seen repeatedly in NGO type associations, cultural associations and also in opposition political parties. This separation along ethnic lines is mainly due to the genocide of 1994. This visible organizational and institutional divide between ethnic groups among the Rwandan diaspora shows that there is a lack of trust among Rwandans and that reconciliation is still not a widespread reality. Therefore, a lack of a democratic political culture, cooperation and reconciliation from a position of ideological plurality and Rwanda’s multiculturalism threatens its peaceful coexistence.Downloads
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How to Cite
Dusabe, F. (2018). La societat civil de la diàspora rwandesa en les mobilitzacions transnacionals. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (33), 95–107. Retrieved from