Des-problematizar las migraciones desde los movimientos sociales:

Reflexiones en torno a una investigación participativa en Barcelona


  • Paula Durán Monfort Universitat de Barcelona


migrations, social movements, knowledge, mechanisms of oppression, alternative narrative.


We present some reflexive ideas of the research "migrant’s knowledge", which is developed between the University of Barcelona and the entities of migrant self-organization of this same city. This initiative identifies new places and subjects of thought inside and outside the academy that, with participatory methods, rethink the task of research in a way, which promotes horizontality and recognition of the plurality of subjects and knowledge. A dialogue that allows identifying, in a critical way, the power devices that pass through migrants in the contexts of reception, contemplating the ontological and epistemological dimensions that legitimize them. At the same time, they raise the need to build an alternative narrative to the problematization of human mobility.  


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How to Cite

Paula Durán Monfort. (2022). Des-problematizar las migraciones desde los movimientos sociales:: Reflexiones en torno a una investigación participativa en Barcelona. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (37 (1). Retrieved from