Matonaires: From ground to rock. Women peasants of the villages of Montserrat


  • Margalida Mulet Pascual Observatori de l’Alimentació (ODELA), Universitat de Barcelona
  • Genís Frontera Vila Col·lectiu El Brogit. Centre d’Estudis de Castellbell i el Vilar
  • Anna Oliveras Cugueró Col·lectiu El Brogit. Centre d’Estudis de Castellbell i el Vilar


matonaires, agricultural heritage, mató, market, monastery of Montserrat


This article is based on a historical-anthropological research of peasants’ life in the villages on the slopes of Montserrat (Marganell, the village of Sant Cristòfol a Castellbell i el Vilar and the raval del serrat de les Cametes, near Bruc). Specifically, analyses the relationship between peasantry and the sale of their products in the market of peasant women at the Montserrat monastery for more than five generations. Among the different products sold, besides fruits, vegetables and dry fruits, we emphasize the “mató” as a traditional product, patrimonialized and that gives the producers the name of “matonaires”. Through historical documentation and life histories of the protagonists, this article analyses the evolution of this market and its practices as a rural heritage.


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How to Cite

Mulet Pascual, M., Frontera Vila, G., & Oliveras Cugueró, A. (2021). Matonaires: From ground to rock. Women peasants of the villages of Montserrat. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (36 (2), 153–175. Retrieved from