struggle against the touristification of the historic district of Valencia: practices and narratives of resistance
touristification, tourism, urban movements, urban conflict, resistance, ValenciaAbstract
This article presents an ethnographic analysis of the movement of resistance against touristification that has emerged in the historic district of the city of Valencia in recent years. Specifically, this paper focuses on the material and symbolic practices developed by the platform Veïnat en Perill d'Extinció, created in 2017 to struggle against the increasing implementation of the tourist industry in this territory. The ethnographic study of this neighbourhood movement allows us to consider the multiple strategies and actions developed to resist touristification, distinguishing mobilisations to reveal the negative impacts of this activity on the local territory, campaigns to promote regulation policies and support to people affected by displacement. We regard these resistances as part of a symbolic struggle over the collective meaning of tourism where urban movements are contesting the established imaginary and producing a counter-narrative that presents the tourist industry as antagonistic to neighbourhood communities and use values of local space. A series of urban dynamics and collective resistances that are being reshaped with new logics under the crisis of covid-19.
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