The forgotten Shaykh? Memories of a jihād in the ṭarīqa Tijāniyya


  • Antonio de Diego González Universidad Pablo de Olavide



memory, jihad, Islam, West Africa, colonialism, Tijaniyya


‘Umar Al-Fūtī Tāl was the second great name of the Tijāniyya after its founder Aḥmad Tijāni (1735-1815). He was responsible for the thorough argumentation and justification of its doctrines in the Islamic scholarly tradition, as well as for the expansion and popularization of the ṭarīqa on the West African side. In Al-Fūtī converge not only intellectuality or spirituality but ethnicity and power. And even certain messianic attributes that his immediate disciples and of the justly later generation bestowed upon him. The aim of this article, within the context of the monograph, is to analyze how the conflict and post-conflict of Al-Fūtī's jihād impacted on the different memories until fading his figure, his work, and his logics in Islamic intellectual history and specifically in the memory of the Tijāniyya itself.


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How to Cite

de Diego González, . A. . (2022). The forgotten Shaykh? Memories of a jihād in the ṭarīqa Tijāniyya. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (37 (2), 343–361.

