The debates groups: group techniques to build the "whats" of a collaborative ethnography


  • Aurora Álvarez Veinguer Universidad de Granada
  • Antonia Olmos Alcaraz Universidad de Granada



methodology, qualitative research, collaborative ethnography, Stop Evictions, groups debates


This article describes and analyzes the design and implementation of a collaborative ethnography experience carried out with the Stop Evictions Granada-15M collective. The purpose of the text is to show how the objectives were collectively constructed in the course of the investigation, through the investigation technique that we call “discussion groups”. To begin with, some notes are provided on the particularities of the research processes within collaborative ethnographies; secondly, a comparative analysis of the discussion groups is presented  in relation to other group research techniques, such as discussion groups and focus groups; thirdly, we analyze the potentialities and limitations of the technique created ad hoc in  the research; and we end the paper with some reflections on the epistemological place in which we find ourselves with the lived methodological experience.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Veinguer, A., & Olmos Alcaraz, A. (2022). The debates groups: group techniques to build the "whats" of a collaborative ethnography. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (37 (2), 483–502.