A reception system that does not provide accommodation. Abandonment, lack of protection and precariousness of asylum seekers excluded from the Spanish Reception System


  • Arnau Poy Renau Universitat de Barcelona




asylum, reception system, Spain, asylum seekers, lack of protection, precarity


Since 2015 in Spain, an increasing num­ber of asylum seekers lacking economic resources have been denied their right to have access to the state reception system. Based on an ethnographic case study of a squatted space in Barcelona inhabited by asylum seekers excluded from the recep­tion system, the article addresses the caus­es and consequences of this lack of state reception. By analyzing the impact of the institutional context and the regulatory framework of the asylum and reception system on the working and housing tra­jectories of the asylum seekers, the article shows how the system produces their sit­uations of exclusion and precariousness. Likewise, it stresses the need to study the reception processes of asylum seekers be­yond the state reception system.


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How to Cite

Poy Renau, A. . (2022). A reception system that does not provide accommodation. Abandonment, lack of protection and precariousness of asylum seekers excluded from the Spanish Reception System. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (38 (1), 53–74. https://doi.org/10.56247/qua.394