The reception “on the move” of children and young people who migrate alone to Catalonia. A vision from professionals
reception, unaccompanied minors, children on the move, socio-educational intervention, mobilitiesAbstract
The reception processes of the child protection system become the starting point for the accompaniment of unaccompanied minors and for the subsequent development of their socio-educational itineraries. Through semistructured interviews, we collected the vision of 15 educators from different centers, resources and organizations of the Catalan System of protection, mainly deployed with the Catalan Strategy for reception and inclusion. The results draw a protocolized reception system that moves in a “double normative bipolarity” as “minors susceptible to protect” and, at the same time, as subjects of immigration control. The analysis of the experience lived by this children from the perspective of the professionals who accompany them highlights situations of multiple mobility and immobility and allows a glimpse of the hidden and attributed meanings of their materialization. While passing through the reception system, they come across numerous “doors” that reinforce the funnel effect, conditioning their itineraries and translating too often into situations of exclusion. From the socio-educational attention we conclude that the reception has to make possible the construction of links to reposition it, dignify it and understand the power relations that condition it.
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