Inscriptions and traces: an approach to the experience and culture of inhabiting through architecture




Anthropology of the City, architecture education, fragile spaces, urban culture, Barcelona


This article traces the trajectory of the group that at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona has proposed an approach between anthropology and architecture
for a study of inhabited space. The text follows the path from the creation of the subject Anthropology of the City, conceived by Professor Marta Llorente more than two decades ago, to the application of anthropological
methods in the development of the research project "Barcelona ciutat fràgil" on the effects of COVID-19 in some of the spaces of the city.
The text shows the approach of the group led by Llorente through the teaching activities and the research projects developed during the last
years. The notions of inscription and footprint and fragile city are explained, and the investigations on the topology of urban space and the post-pandemic forms of inhabiting are presented. The article also examines the forms of representation that make possible to condense life experiences, forms of memory, certain observations of the city space or spatial practices of "urban culture" through cartographies, drawings, photographs, writings or audiovisual documents.


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How to Cite

Llorente Díaz, M., Serra Permanyer, M., Bitrián Varea , C., & Gratacòs, R. (2023). Inscriptions and traces: an approach to the experience and culture of inhabiting through architecture. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(1), 149–165.