Towards a transurban future for a livable utopia




transurban, utopia, livable space, urban anthropology, Henri Lefebvre


Four current problems to be faced are established: the collapse of the imagination; the dominance of urban ideology; incompatibility between spatial utopianisms and emancipatory social processes; and the persistence of studying the city as a whole. This makes it possible to search for a theoretical corpus that has as its central theme Henri Lefebvre's thought, to trace the path of a utopia of the livable that provides an opening to a (trans)urban future located in the insterstices of the city of tomorrow. The descriptive- qualitative methodological design facilitates the epistemological review and dialectical analysis of Lefebvre’s work and other authors in the Lefebvrian tradition, under the approach of an anthropology of social space and critical imagination. Thus, anthropology, architecture, and urban planning meet in the interstices of the city and the promise of an uncertain urban world. These conflicting intermediates configure the transurban differential space, a place of unknown limits, of victory and reappropriation of the anthropo and an arena of architectural imagination. The transurban is part of the utopian project to change the lived as a space of struggle for the livable, for the realization of the possible- impossible, of a different urban society.


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Pacheco, P. (2023). Towards a transurban future for a livable utopia. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(1), 10–26.