Shores and movements: between the urban and the riverside in an Amazonian city. A proposal for an ethnographic and architectural analysis of the mobility on the island of Combu (Belém)




Arquitectura, etnografia, urbanisme subaltern, informalitats, amazonia urbana, mobilitat.


This article presents an ongoing project that aims to study fluvial mobility practices in the riverside community of Combu Island, in the Brazilian urban Amazonia. The dynamics of mobility in the rivers of Amazonia are a material construction, at the same time being a social product permanently altered by the mobility tactics inherent in everyday life. In general, the existence of the Amazonian territories is neglected by the myths that consider the region as an empty green space.
Given the riverside communities depend on water and use rivers as their main route, the central question in this article is: What can riverside mobility and the social, economic and cultural structures that determine it reveal about urban planning in the cities of Amazonia? The
ongoing research explores how these links translate into forms of life. That is, a relationship that goes beyond the function of connecting places through circulation. By using an interdisciplinary approach between anthropology and architecture, the proposal is to investigate how river routes interact with everyday life, in the case of Combu Island, from the rivers and of the caboclos communities.


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How to Cite

Figueredo, N. (2023). Shores and movements: between the urban and the riverside in an Amazonian city. A proposal for an ethnographic and architectural analysis of the mobility on the island of Combu (Belém). Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(1), 101–114.