Anthropology of architecture. The social life of the Olympic Village of Barcelona




anthropology, architecture, neighbourhood, public space, daily life


The article contributes to the debate on a field of knowledge known as ethnography or architectural anthropology, from an approach that recognises the strategic role of architecture in the reproduction of neoliberal urban policies.
To achieve this, it proposes an anthropology of architecture, oriented towards the study of the factors, actors and interests that operate behind the design process, as well as its interaction with spatial practices and appropriations when the project becomes inhabited. Its application in the case of the Vila Olímpica of Barcelona is through an ethnography of the urban project that combines archival work with walking interview and observations in the public space. The result shows the production process of the project; from the selection of the land and the decision making about the configuration of this new neighbourhood, until it is inhabited by new residents and invaded by practices considered uncivic in public spaces. As a result, the conversion of the Vila Olímpica into a real estate operation and its depredatory effects on the forms of dwelling that occupied the area before and after the outsourcing of the sector were confirmed.


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How to Cite

Navas Perrone, M. G. (2023). Anthropology of architecture. The social life of the Olympic Village of Barcelona. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(1), 40–63.