The Homeland as a stronghold: Emotion and political mobilization of the Alt-Right in Spanish national-populist discourse




Politics of Emotions, Extreme Right, Mise-en-scène, Erotism, Visual Culture


This article analyses two aspects of Spanish contemporary Alt-Right politics: firstly, the erotic fetishization of its political candidates, transformed de facto into likeable subjects (Sontag; Han, 2015), a phenomenon here associated with the banalpolitik, the politics of banality. Secondly, the simultaneous, highly artificial presentation of these aspirants as part of a genealogy of heroes and surviving strongmen, drawing upon Warburg´s notion of nachleben or post-life (1998; 2005). The political and social outcome of the covid-19 pandemic provides a frame to study «emergency Caesarisms», a plenipotentiary form of politics commonly associated with periods of calamity (such as the sanitary crisis) but perilously susceptible of consolidation under the auspices of national-populism. In both cases, the fake operates as a common denominator, fundamental in the articulation of the combinative avvanspettacolo and the so-called «ideological polytheism» (Pomerantsev, 2016) of contemporary extreme right politics. 


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How to Cite

Rivas Venegas, M. (2024). The Homeland as a stronghold: Emotion and political mobilization of the Alt-Right in Spanish national-populist discourse. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(2), 257–272.