Trust and emotional experience of the nation in the Catalan pro-independence process




Nationalism, emotions, trust, civil society, independence, Catalonia


This article proposes the possibilities that the analysis of the notion of trust can have in nationalism studies. It is based on a theoretical perspective that emphasizes the emotional experience of the nation and the role of civil society in nationalization processes from below. The proposal is exemplified in the case study of the different mobilizations in what has been called El Procés: the claims for the independence of Catalonia, which took place in this Spanish region between 2012 and 2019. Based on the ethnographic analysis of the elements linked to the holding of the consultation or «referendum» on October 1st, 2017, the text raises the importance of trust in everything related to that action. The high emotional charge that the celebration of a prohibited and repressed act by the Spanish State entailed has turned it into a symbol of the independence movement, from which the various emotions experienced before, during, and after its celebration can be understood.


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How to Cite

Clua i Fainé, M. (2024). Trust and emotional experience of the nation in the Catalan pro-independence process. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(2), 273–286.