The Value of Flavours: The Case of Baztango Zaporeak


  • Pablo García GIEDEM (Grupo Interdisciplinar de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Multiculturalidad), Universidad de Lleida


Baztán, rural tourism, local product, globalisation, valorisation, landscape


This article takes as study case the new valorisation of local products in the valley of Baztán (Navarre, Spain). Such valorisation comes within a context of regional policy that prioritizes sustainable local development initiatives, such as agrotourism, intended to revitalise rural lifestyle and to preserve the integrity of cultural landscape. Specifically, attention is paid to recent processes of branding and fostering of “traditional” producers’ associations, like Baztango Zaporeak, integrated into a wider Baztán brand. The article examines some of the tensions, opportunities, accomplishments as well as contradictions identified within these processes and asks for into what extent the heritagisation of food culture is an adequate response to the serious socioeconomic challenges that the valley currently faces.


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How to Cite

García, P. (2021). The Value of Flavours: The Case of Baztango Zaporeak. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (36 (2), 197–216. Retrieved from