Forests among rice paddies and forests within the forest. Notes on traditional religion and memory among the Joola Huluf of Oussouye


  • Jordi Tomàs GESA / Univesitat de Lleida / Universitat de Barcelona



Lower Casamance, Joola, traditional religion, historical memory, secret


The article focuses on the memory of traditional religious Joola Huluf practitioners in Lower Casamance, Senegal. Beyond the debate between the official memory transmitted through the Senegalese administration and the memory claimed by some of the leaders of the MFDC (Mouvement des Forces Démocratiques de la Casamance), this article allows us to understand how the Joola huluf society -in the kingdom of Oussouye- manages memory locally in a decentralized way through different rituals -especially those related to death-, initiations, songs..., paying special attention to the dynamics that take place in a realm where secrecy -and its implications in terms of gender, kinship, age... - often mark the life of society.


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How to Cite

Tomàs , J. . (2022). Forests among rice paddies and forests within the forest. Notes on traditional religion and memory among the Joola Huluf of Oussouye. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (37 (2), 301–319.

