The project and the path. Practices against architecture in the Basque rural environment


  • Ion Fernández de las Heras



architecture, patrimonialization, self-construction, ontology, house, Basque Country


The objective of this article is to show a conflict between two ways of doing and thinking —which, we could say, coincide with differential instaurations of being— in relation to the construction of the house in the Araotz valley, in the Basque rural environment. The first one, the project, consists of a procedure through which it is possible to institute a certain imaginary reality that does not coincide with the materiality of what has been built; the second, the path, is recognized as a trial and error activity that integrates a multitude of agents and inferences and during which a complex dialogue between the virtual and the concrete takes place. That way, I suggest that the self-construction of the villages in Araotz involves an epistemic tension caused by the development of certain practices of statalization related to architecture and heritage. In this sense, I will show how the construction paths that devise the inhabitants/builders of these houses constitute in many cases a response to the projection and its effects, something that can be formulated as a counter-architectural and/or a counter-heritage practice.


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How to Cite

Fernández de las Heras , I. . (2022). The project and the path. Practices against architecture in the Basque rural environment. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (37 (2), 457–482.