Protection against what? The notion of ‘acollida’ in the Spanish system of international (un)protection


  • Alèxia Rué Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



acollida, reception, asylum, NGOs, reception workers


The concept of “acollida” has been a con­tested one. While at the institutional level it has been understood as a legal obliga­tion arising from the need for protection presumed to refugees, in other contexts it may be understood as a moral imperative or as a form of political action and resist­ance against the global migration control apparatus. While reception policies have become one of the main prerogatives of the right to asylum in the European Union the reality on the ground shows a very differ­ent picture. Asylum seekers and refugees face situations of severe vulnerability in most member states, including homeless­ness, destitution and serious violations of their fundamental rights. In Spain, this idea of “acollida” is closely linked to the state’s reception system, as is the lack of protec­tion for asylum seekers and refugees. This article explores how the concept of “aco­llida” has been articulated in the case of Spain through an ethnographic approach to the non-governmental organizations that manage the reception system. It examines how the idea of “acollida” is constructed from the front line in a conflicting posi­tion between defending the rights of refu­gees and participating in the implementa­tion of restrictive public policies.


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How to Cite

Rué, A. . (2022). Protection against what? The notion of ‘acollida’ in the Spanish system of international (un)protection. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (38 (1), 31–51.