Violence-related forced migration from the Central America Northern Triangle to Catalonia: exploring processes of reception and resilience


  • Gabriela Poblet EMIGRA-CER Migracions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Silvia Carrasco EMIGRA-CER Migracions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



forced migration, reception, international protection, Northern Trian­gle, resilience


Reception and support processes for the integration of migrants have focused in Catalonia unequivocally on economic mi­gration and family reunification, without specifically considering the needs and dy­namics related to refuge and asylum. As a consequence, since 2015 media attention has focused on the reception of refugees from imageries related to the Syrian war and its related conflicts in the area, rather than on the arrival of unexpected flows of people from Central American countries known as the Northern Triangle area, who are fleeing away from gang violence and extortion, especially from El Salvador and Honduras. This article presents the results of the ethnographic fieldwork carried out within the framework of a project financed by the Institut Català Internacional per la Pau on the arrival of this refugee popu­lation in Catalonia from a family, gender and generation perspective, to guide pro­posals aimed at supporting their resilience and repair process.


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How to Cite

Poblet, G. ., & Carrasco, S. (2022). Violence-related forced migration from the Central America Northern Triangle to Catalonia: exploring processes of reception and resilience. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, (38 (1), 75–95.