“Viure a rural”: “Country People”, Neo-rural and Other Im/Mobile Profiles in the Catalan Pyrenees


  • Camila del Mármol Universitat de Barcelona
  • Joan Frigolé Universitat de Barcelona




rurality, neo-rurals, rural representation, depopulation, Catalan Pyrenees, im/mobility


In this article we explore the diversity of im/mobility trajectories that populate the mountain areas of the Catalan Pyrenees. We trace the local mobility regimes that offer a model of open questioning of mobile binarism, exploring the conditions of possibility that allow and deny the various mobile trajectories in relation to the complexity of local population categories.

Our ethnography reveals a series of public debates about these social categories that open the door to reflections on the individual's im/mobility trajectories, people who live and travel through the depopulation of these mountains for decades. This brings us to a scenario of implicit questioning of binarism while going beyond the naturalization of those who have "stayed". While from the classic paradigm of migration movements is considered as the relevant object of study, our research shows specific assemblages of differential power that result into the need of local inhabitant to justify their lack of movement. This is understood within some representations of local depopulation as a lack of entrepreneurship. We explore how this situation shapes the complexity of categories of local population that in turn sets limits of possibility for the configuration of identities embodied and lived by different sectors of the population.


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How to Cite

del Mármol, C. ., & Frigolé, J. . (2023). “Viure a rural”: “Country People”, Neo-rural and Other Im/Mobile Profiles in the Catalan Pyrenees. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 179–193. https://doi.org/10.56247/qua.413