Muleteers (Arrieros) of the Anthropocene in the Central Chilean Andes: New Mobilities for Dwelling in the Mountains.
livestock communities, Andean mountains, mobilities, ethnographyAbstract
Livestock communities of the central Chilean Andes show how the redefinition of the management, control, and meaning they give to their territories and transhumant itineraries, respond to the challenges of the Anthropocene. Their shifting mobility, associated with their own and inherent dynamics of the transhumant activity, adapt to the relative and changing positions they occupy in the web of economic, social, cultural, and environmental tensions surrounding them. The Andean ranges are highly stressed scenarios. Under the collective property, the regime belongs to local livestock communities, whose origins date back to indigenous peoples' early colonial occupations, independents muleteers, fugitives and smugglers. Today, these communities face challenges due to global change due to complex transformation processes. Such challenges force them to redefine. Extractivist intervention, modernizing pressure, and variations in water associated with global change challenge their sense of communal identity, cultural traditions, and sovereignty, stimulating either reversive adaptive processes or resilient strategic practices. The times of the Anthropocene have reached them.
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