“Tocar de peus a terra i fer volar coloms”. Leisure walking in Berguedà in anthropological perspective





Walking, walking ethnography, co-creation, hiking, walking tourism, mobile methods.


This article presents a methodological and theoretical exploration of the meanings and practices related to group walking in nature.
Based on a consideration of walking as a
practice of observation with a triple object -the self, the environment and the sociability- the study aims to investigate group walking as a cognitive practice and one that (co)creates shared meanings. The main objective is to
examine what happens along a group walk that can lead to particular perceptions of the self, the surrounding places and the social interactions
with the people with whom one shares the path.
The fieldwork that supports the analysis is based on 25 group walks with seven different stable groups and a total of 120 participants, with a methodological approach where the first author played a triple role: walker, guide and ethnographer. The analysis reveals three
dimensions of group walking: its intentionality, an element that highlights how this form of movement has transformed throughout history
and the individual biographical itineraries; its cognitive function, engaged through the connection between the feet and the imagination; the relationship with the environment, namely for its potential to activate shared knowledge about the surroundings.


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How to Cite

Corrales Baz, E., & Mancinelli, F. (2023). “Tocar de peus a terra i fer volar coloms”. Leisure walking in Berguedà in anthropological perspective. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(1), 182–197. https://doi.org/10.56247/qua.425