The molecular age: Reimagining “ageing” in laboratories of experimentation with telomeres




telomeres, ageing, genetic manipulation, biomedicine, molecular biopolitics


The process known as "cellular ageing" manifests itself in the shortening of the ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres. In recent decades, the possibility of genetic manipulation to preserve telomere length has enabled a new perception of ageing as a malleable and postponable process. Through an ethnography of telomere laboratories and their popularised scientific environment, we trace the emergence of a "molecular biopolitics" (Rose, 2007) that destabilises the idea of a linear, "chronological" age. In its place, a "biological" age emerges, which, being relative to the length and rate of telomere shortening, can be measured and manipulated at the micrometric level. Here we describe how the molecular manipulation of age is deployed alongside an intrinsic pathologisation of old age. As a consequence, biomedical episteme and practice transitions from the goal of "curing" a disease to that of optimising cellular physiology to slow ageing. The imprint of time on the body is no longer understood as a "natural" process, but is re-imagined as a "technical failure", accidental and correctable.


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Author Biography

Aníbal G. Arregui, Universitat de Barcelona

Aníbal G. Arregui es investigador y profesor de antropología en la Universidad de Barcelona. Previamente ha trabajado en la Universidad de Rostock (Alemania),  la  Universidad Carolina (República Checa), y en la Universidad de Viena (Austria). Entre 2006 y 2019 Aníbal realizó trabajo de campo en comunidades ribeirinhas y quilombolas (Bajo Amazonas, Brasil), y desde 2017 desarrolla una etnografía sobre el proceso de urbanización del jabalí en la periferia de Barcelona. Su investigación traza como las relaciones íntimas, corporales y cotidianas entre humanos y otros organismos configuran nuevas socioecologías. Es autor de diversos artículos científicos relacionados con la antropología ambiental, los estudios de la ciencia y la tecnología y la etnografía multiespecies.


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How to Cite

Lasunción, S., & Arregui, A. G. (2023). The molecular age: Reimagining “ageing” in laboratories of experimentation with telomeres. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 369–387.