Architecture and urban ethnography: drifting between the familiar and the unknown of everyday life




everyday life, ethnographic method, walking, writing, planning


The aim of this article is the compilation of walking experiences and stories that address proximity (the familiar) and distance (distant and different objects/subjects) as components of urban daily life. Recognising the fundamental role of the interdisciplinary approach between architecture and anthropology for the study and interpretation of urban processes, my
theoretical-practical approach is based on two axes: a) the ethnographic method as an analytical tool for the urban study and b) the introduction of the variable of time as memory, presence and perception of urban
metamorphoses. The potentiality that has been disguised under the commodification of the city is revealed through practices that originate and
give birth to radically critical and at the same time affective behaviours concerning the ways of living and experiencing the city. It is therefore possible to aspire to an architectural
and urban perspective that seeks to reconcile the intimate and the unfamiliar elements of everyday life in contemporary metropolises, using the method of empirical research in situ that anthropology provides for the hermeneutics of diversity. Its value also lies in the recovery of the oral tradition associated with the architecture of the city.


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How to Cite

Geronta, A. (2023). Architecture and urban ethnography: drifting between the familiar and the unknown of everyday life. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 39(1), 115–132.