Current Issue

Vol. 39 No. 1 (2023): Antropología y Arquitectura. Intersticios entre la ciudad y lo urbano
					View Vol. 39 No. 1 (2023): Antropología y Arquitectura. Intersticios entre la ciudad y lo urbano

Coordinated by: María Gabriela Navas Perrone y Manuel Delgado Ruiz.

Technical coordination: Claudia Rocío Magaña-González y Martin Lundsteen.

Image of the cover provided by Ricardo Bohórquez Gilbert. 


Published: 2023-10-25


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Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia is an open-access publication edited in Barcelona by the Catalan Anthropological Institute (ICA).

It is a journal of communication and scientific debate addressed to social anthropologists. Its main goal is to create an agile and dynamic space of discussion around the topics of interest in contemporary anthropology. This journal publishes original research and submits all the article to a double blind peer review process, supervised by the Editorial Commitee.